Formed in 2017 by Violenza and Eli Rose, The No Ring Circus is a New York based theatrical production company and agency dedicated to the fusion of circus sideshow, performance art, and theater. Company members span the globe, and collaborate in everything from short-form acts, to full-length ensemble productions. Additionally, they provide entertainment booking for events small and large, private, corporate, and beyond.
The No Ring Circus is responsible for three full-length productions with original scores. CLOWNS, which had three runs in New Orleans between 2017-2018, PSYCHOPOMPS, which ran in New Orleans in 2018, and THE UNSEEN WOODS which ran in Detroit in 2019.
From 2021-2024 they created and produced a monthly series at the legendary House of Yes titled MIDNIGHT AGONY, which became a Brooklyn nightlife cult favorite.
In 2023 they added two additional series to their schedule, both at The Red Pavilion in Bushwick: VIOLENZA, which is monthly, and SUMMER LAND which is quarterly.
The No Ring Circus performs original acts at variety shows, events, and in productions across the US for companies such as Theatre Bizarre, House of Yes, Company XIV, The Great Gatsby Party, Dances of Vice, Torture Garden, FNT, Shanghai Mermaid, The Box, and Little Cinema. In addition, the company performs at private and corporate events, and have appeared at Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, Coney Island USA, Six Flags, and Traumatica at Europa Park.
In 2023 company members Eli Rose, Violenza, and Fibi Eyewalker were invited to participate in Darkness Visible, a performance art bootcamp in Athens, Greece, under the mentorship of Ron Athey.